● 二維還是要做 經營者變責任主體
4,對于自己想進行二維的經營者(包括道路運輸經營者和機動車維修經營者)要嚴格按照《交通運輸部辦公廳關于貫徹落實國家標準<汽車維修業開業條件>(GB/T 16739-2014)的通知》的要求,在2016年12月31日前的過渡期內可以繼續委托汽車綜合性能檢測機構或一類汽車整車維修企業實施二級維護竣工質量檢驗。2017年1月1日起,仍不具備車輛二級維護竣工質量檢驗能力的經營者,不得從事道路運輸車輛二級維護作業。
Two operators still need to do become the main responsibility
For the two-dimensional is cancelled? Experts give a clear answer, two did not cancel, will continue to do, but the specific implementation of policy changes.
1, no longer need to on-line detection
2, the maintenance period by place of compulsory maintenance period is decided by the operator of the maintenance cycle.
3, maintenance site changes
Operators do not have secondary maintenance operation capability can be commissioned more than two types of vehicle maintenance station operator maintenance, but the vehicle maintenance station operators to complete two-dimensional after, should be to the entrusting party to produce two-dimensional factory certification.
4, for they want to make a two-dimensional operators (including road transport operators and operator of motor vehicle maintenance) to strictly in accordance with the general office of the Ministry of transport on the implementation of the national standard < auto maintenance and repair industry opened condition > (GB / T 16739-2014) notice requirements, in December 2016 31 transition period can continue to entrust the automobile comprehensive performance testing agency or a class for motor vehicle maintenance and repair enterprise implementation of secondary maintenance completion quality inspection. Since January 1, 2017, still do not have the ability to maintain the quality of vehicle two level maintenance of the operator, not engaged in road transport vehicles two maintenance operations.
隨州市東正專用汽車,國五排放公告陸續申報中(國五灑水車、國五垃圾車、國五吸糞車、國五吸污車、國五高壓清洗車、國五清障車、國五平板車)等專用汽車公告,最新消息請登錄 http://www.dmlifecoach.com